

About Me

I am a stay at home mommy to 3 kids...I homeschool and get to spend every day with my babies...I am very blessed and have been married for almost 15 years.  Wow...I can't believe it has gone by so fast.  I sit here and remember the day my mom, who died almost 8 years ago now, walked me down the aisle and "gave me away".  Anyways, so much has changed, so much time has passed, I lost my mom, moved to FL, had 3 have been busy.  More so, God has been busy!  The best thing, besides marrying Tom and having my 3 kids, is growing in relationship with God!  Besides God saving me in 1995, he saved me in 2004, when my mother died.  It was the most absolute pain I have ever felt.  I was completely broken, shattered, and wanting to die too...but every time I actually thought "this was the day"  I would look at my son, Jaiden, who was then only 16 months old....Those blue eyes showed me a love I never knew..Through him, I knew, I had to go on...Toughen up, be strong....whatever.  I knew I had to be Jaiden's mommy.  Then After Jaiden, came my Adyson, I call her adybears, and finally, my maddox.  I am so in love with my kids.  I admit, some days I take for granted that I get to be a stay at home mommy, but I am so grateful to God and my husband Tom for making it possible.