

Monday, October 17, 2011

How to make a 12x12 scrapbook page layout

When doing a 12x12 page layout, you need to first choose a theme....Once you have chosen a theme, gather pictures that relate to it.  I usually pick 3 to 4 pics per page.  
Then go through the pics and place them on cardstock paper, or some type of colorful paper, either with a glue stick  or double sided sticky the way, double sided sticky tape is the best!!! well, that is my opinion, ha...but i do love it so~!  then once you adhere your pics, trim around the edges....once you have done should get some of the cat's eye ink chalk, (craft stores sell it, and i am bias to michael's craft store =) ) and ink all around the gives it a brighter, prettier look, then you adhere the cut out pics to your 12x12 page (of your choice).....then this is where the fun starts!!! HEHEHE......I like to add tons of ribbons....brads....paper clips....3D stickers....All kinds of Glam....The best part about scrapbooking is you get to be you!!! You can do whatever you want to your pages....Believe it or not, practice makes perfect, and the more you do it, the better you get, and the more you wanna do it!!! Scrapbooking becomes addictive!!! It truly does, and more so, can get are some tips....instead of buying those o so cute quote stickers, print out your own quotes, add them to paper, and "glam them up"....also....I make up my own quotes, so just think about what your theme is, think about feelings, time of day, dates, what is going on, and so on, and print it up on your computer!  These are the best scrap pages......this is my opinion...but give it a shot!!!  And please join my site, share your thoughts, opinions, email me...whatever!! I would love to hear from you....I am having a blast!! If you have any questions, email me at will ALWAYS get back to you! Thanks so much, Stacie
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